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Tesla has increased the cost of its high-performance Model Y in China by 14,000 yuan

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    Visitors check a China-made Tesla Model Y sport utility vehicle (SUV) at the electric vehicle maker's showroom in Beijing

    Visitors check a China-made Tesla Model Y sport utility vehicle (SUV) at the electric vehicle maker's showroom in Beijing, China January 5, 2021. REUTERS/Tingshu Wang/FIle Photo Acquire Licensing Rights

    • Companies

    BEIJING, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Tesla Inc has increased the price for its Model Y high-performance version SUV in China by 14,000 yuan ($1,913.88) from Friday, it said on a social media notice.

    ($1 = 7.3150 Chinese yuan renminbi)

    (This story has been corrected to say SUV, not sedan, in paragraph 1)

    Reporting by Shanghai newsroom and Liz Lee Editing by Shri Navaratnam

    Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


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    Author: Travis Stewart

    Last Updated: 1699251004

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    Author information

    Name: Travis Stewart

    Birthday: 1997-11-13

    Address: 4364 Randall Plains Suite 214, South Emily, SD 96148

    Phone: +4238219124623144

    Job: Orthodontist

    Hobby: Stargazing, Woodworking, Skydiving, Whiskey Distilling, Baking, Backpacking, Card Collecting

    Introduction: My name is Travis Stewart, I am a dazzling, important, fearless, daring, radiant, Adventurous, dedicated person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.