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List of Christmas light switch-on events in Herefordshire

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    CHRISTMAS is fast approaching with just over a month to go until the big day. 

    And as is tradition, city and market towns of Herefordshire will be holding their annual light switch-on events. Below is where you can catch the action this year.


    Join Sunshine Radio from 3.15pm to 5.30pm on Sunday, November 19 for a festive extravaganza on the big stage as Hereford transforms into a glittering spectacle of lights and giant Christmas Trees, ushering in the official start of Christmas Shopping 2023. The lights will illuminate Maylord Orchards and The Old Market simultaneously with High Town.


    In June, Leominster Town Council announced that its Victorian street market and Christmas lights switch on won't be taking place this year due to improvement works to streets and pavements in the town centre. The market will now go ahead as a multi-location event as opposed to a traditional street market, while a 'Light up Leominster' event will be held on Wednesday, November 22 and Thursday, November 23 from 5pm to 8pm. Each night, a lantern parade will start on the Grange at 6.15pm and will walk through the town.


    Christmas lights have been up in Ledbury for the past month to ensure the town is ready for the official switch-on. The event will take place on Sunday, November 26 with a range of food, entertainment, gifts, music and funfair rides available in the High Street and St Katherine's car park throughout the afternoon. A Christmas grotto will also be there from 1pm to 4.30pm, with the lights being switched on at 5pm.


    Bromyard is renowned for having some fantastic lights. This year's switch on takes place on Saturday, November 18 with a day full of activities. A festive market will be in the town from 11am, with a Santa's parade taking place at 12.15pm. There will also be a Santa's Grotto from 12.30pm to 4pm and a lantern parade going passing through the streets from 5.15pm. The lights will then be switched on at 5.30pm.


    A Christmas Fayre will be held in Ross from 11am to 5pm on Sunday, November 26, with the lights being switched on at 4.30pm. There will be over 80 stalls selling beautiful gift ideas and treats, as well as plenty of food and drink on offer from local traders. Street entertainment will also be provided from Olaf and Elf on the Shelf and Joey the Juggler, with Floki the animatronic polar bear adding a little extra Christmas sparkle.


    The Kington Town Council and Kington Chamber of Trade Christmas lights switch-on event will take place from 6pm on Wednesday, November 29 at the Market Hall, Place De Marines and Coach House, The lights will be turned on at around 6.30pm.


    The reigning Strictly Come Dancing champion will be over the border to turn on the Welsh town's lights. Hamza Yassin will be in Hay from 5pm to 7pm on Friday, November 24, with the switch on taking place at 6.30pm. The wildlife presenter - who will be joined on stage by Hay-'s soon-to-be-announced Citizen of the Year - is making an appearance as part of the Hay Festival's Winter Festival weekend.


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    Author: Jackie Diaz

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    Name: Jackie Diaz

    Birthday: 1999-02-25

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    Introduction: My name is Jackie Diaz, I am a priceless, important, receptive, Colorful, exquisite, variegated, frank person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.