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At the script reading for Season 4, "The Outlaws" unveils a star-studded cast of new villains and starts filming

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    The fourth installation of the smash-hit action film “The Outlaws” shared photos from the script reading!

    ABO Entertainment shared on November 18, “After finally completing the casting, we will start filming today.”

    While “The Outlaws 3,” which recently wrapped up filming, tells the story of the Japanese Yakuza, “The Outlaws 4” depicts the journey of detective Ma Seok Do (Ma Dong Seok) who teams up with a cyber investigation task force to wipe out Korea’s largest online gambling organization.

    With photos of the script reading, Kim Moo Yeol and Lee Dong Hwi are officially introduced as the new villains who will be up against the main character Ma Seok Do in the upcoming movie. In addition, “The Outlaws 4” also confirms the casting lineup of Park Ji Hwan, Lee Beom Soo, Kim Min Jae, Lee Ji Hoon, and Lee Joo Bin.

    Kim Moo Yeol is the “4th generation villain” following Yoon Kye Sang, Son Suk Ku, and Lee Joon Hyuk as Baek Chang Ki, a mercenary-turned-leader of the online gambling organizations, while Lee Dong Hwi is set to play Jang Dong Cheol, an IT genius and a young CEO of the bitcoin industry.

    As the official scene stealer of the “The Outlaws” series, Park Ji Hwan will return as Jang Yi Soo alongside Lee Beom Soo and Kim Min Jae who are back again as team leader Jang Tae Soo and Ma Seok Do’s right-hand man Kim Man Jae, respectively.

    In addition, talented actor Lee Ji Hoon also joins the show as Yang Jong Soo, a veteran detective, while Lee Joo Bin will portray Han Ji Soo, a member of the cyber investigation team.

    “The Outlaws 4” will be helmed by director Heo Myeong Haeng, a former martial arts director of the “The Outlaws” series and the director behind box office hits such as “Extreme Job,” “Train to Busan,” and “New World.” Director Heo Myeong Haeng commented, “As I have also worked with Ma Dong Seok on other various projects before, for this movie too, I’ll try my best to make it a good one.” In addition to the “The Outlaws” series, the two have built a good relationship as an actor and martial arts director through other movies such as “Unstoppable” and “Champion.”

    Ma Dong Seok remarked, “I am more confident in this movie because Director Heo is the director. He is someone who understands the world of ‘The Outlaws’ series and its characters better than anyone else,” adding, “I trusted the fourth movie to him because we work so well together that we’d know what each other is thinking just by looking at each other’s eyes. He also has excellent directing skills in creating drama and suspense.”

    “The Outlaws” recorded 6.88 million viewers in 2017 and “The Outlaws 2” gained 12.69 million viewers this year. Anticipation is high to see how the upcoming two movies will follow their predecessors’ success. “The Outlaws 4” is reported to adjust its release schedule after “The Outlaws 3” comes out next year.

    While waiting, watch the original “The Outlaws” below:

    Watch Now

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