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Through NFTs, or NFT Plazas, Venly and FIBA honor the Basketball World Cup

Venly and the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) are teaming up to slam dunk a unique series of NFTs onto the Web3 SaaS platform on August 21, to garner attention surrounding the Basketball World Cup 2023. 

With the famed event taking the court on August 25, these virtual goods are ready to dribble their way through the host countries – Indonesia, Japan, and the Philippines – opening four unique digital offerings:

    • Fan’s Frenzy: Entry-level virtual mementos designed to commemorate the Basketball World Cup 2023. 
    • National Pride: Collectibles with 32 unique designs, each linking to different national teams. 
    • Ultimate Courtsides: Limited to 1,500 units, these digital assets spotlight significant moments in basketball history. 
    • Golden Glory: A collection exclusively available for National Pride holders, opening an extra digital keepsake from their winning nation. 

NFT Anticipation Builds as the Basketball World Cup Approaches

VIDEO: USA vs Russia | FINAL - Full Game | 1994 FIBA Basketball World Cup
FIBA - The Basketball Channel

The quartet of digital assets will be up for grabs on the FIBA World Cup NFT Shopify store. Minted on the Polygon network through the Shopify app, each collectible is easily accessible through a Venly Wallet. 

These Basketball World Cup NFTs are poised for success. Pivotal moments from NBA games previously netted more than $1 billion in sales through Top Shot NFTs. Although, the collection’s creator did face a legal dispute regarding accusations of violating US securities regulations. 

Nonetheless, as the Basketball World Cup draws near, this fusion of sports, mementos, and blockchain technology presents exciting, once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to enhance basketball fandom worldwide. 

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Author: Mallory Rocha

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Name: Mallory Rocha

Birthday: 2014-11-25

Address: 3862 Parsons Vista Suite 306, North Bradleyfort, GA 66788

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Introduction: My name is Mallory Rocha, I am a fearless, unwavering, treasured, Open, Gifted, honest, accessible person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.